Race #4 - Saturday July 18th - Round 4 DJSA Regular Points Race
Race #5 - Sunday July 19th - Round 5 DJSA Regular Points Race
Eagal Lakes Resort - Tracy, CA
Click here to Pay for Race Fees and obtain the Entry Form
Coming up next –
DJSA 2015 Outlaw Series Race 4 and 5
A special Jet Effect Tribute to Jeremy “Lumpy” Sturgill
Sat / Sun July 18th & 19th 2015
Tracy California
Host Location –
Eagal Lakes Resort
12 Lorenzen Road
Tracy, Calif. 95304
(209) 640-4252
Eagal Lakes is centrally located from Tracy, Lathrop, Manteca, and Stockton.
There are a number of ways to get there but this is the most direct.
Exit Kasson Rd from I-5 South
Go south on Kasson to Lorenzen Rd
Left onto Lorenzen Rd and drive next to a long line of tall palm trees.
When you come to the end of the county road, proceed through the working ranch site. (mandatory speed limit is 10 mph) all the way to the levee.
At the top of the levee turn right and follow the road to the Eagal Lakes “Event” entrance sign.
(To get the best directions from your area go to http://eagallakes.com)
Although I will be starting to set up on Thursday, Eagal Lake members still have full use of the facilities they are members of – until our race days. Please be considerate of the fact we are “guests” of this beautiful and scenic venue. All early arrivals MUST check in with the Eagal Lakes office.
Tentative Jet Effect Schedule –
Sat – series race 4
730am – Registration open
8am – Course practice by class
915am - Registration closes
10am – Mandatory roll call and riders meeting
1030am – Heat 1 all classes
1230pm – Lunch
1pm – Heat 2 all classes
230pm – Staff break
3pm – Heat 3 all classes
5pm – Standups vs sitdowns volleyball
630 – Rider appreciation bbq
730 – Live band “Blues Mechanicx” playing from 730 to 930pm
10pm – RC car race (or) destruction derby on the soccer field
11pm – Goped figure 8 mayhem races on the soccer field
1130 - Race 4 awards at the beachside bonfire
Sun – series race 5
7am – Junior registration
730am – Adult registration
8am – Junior course practice / time trials / Junior-B GWC racing / Junior A –
heat 2 / and a little surprise challenge…
930 – Adult registration closes
930am – Course practice by class
11am – Mandatory roll call and riders meeting
1130 – Jeremy Lumpy Sturgill Tribute lap performed by Team Orange, DJSA adult
and junior racers, and possibly a little air support…
12pm – Heat 1 all classes
200pm – Lunch / Junior-A heat 3 / Lumpy’s employees “Race for Lumpy”
300pm - Heat 2 all classes
430pm – Awards / Course tear down
Race fees –
567 Vintage Triple Threat - $60 for 1 day /$120 for the weekend
X-2 Army - $75 for 1 day /$150 for the weekend
All other classes - $85 for 1 day /$170 for the weekend
Additional classes are $30 each – per day.
Junior A’s and R’s - $40
Junior B’s - $30
Advanced payment via paypal is helpful and speeds things up a bit on race day, but what’s most important is sending me a completely filled out entry form or an intent to race email.
Most of you already have entry forms on file but if not, you can download one from www.djsaracing.com or www.diablojsa.com , or just email me and I’ll send you one. Incomplete forms will be sent back to you, so please fill them out completely with all personal, emergency, medical, and race ski info included… If it’s requested on the form, it’s for a reason.
I only need one entry per racer but if you are running multiple classes on different skis, I need the additional info on the extra classes or the skis you’ll be running. Things always run smoother if we know you’re coming in advance and your help in this area is greatly appreciated…
If you have already raced a 2015 djsa race, YOU ONLY NEED TO SHOOT ME an email of intent with your -
* Name
* Class or classes
* Race #
* Ski make / model
I will print your entry out for you. If any of your personal or sponsor info has changed - I need an updated entry form for our reg data and announcing.
All non pre-registered entries taken on race day are $125 per day.
Save yourself some bucks, save me some time, and please pre-register!!!
Site fees -
Dry Camping lakeside - $30 per night. There are no showers at this venue.
Racer / Spectators / Family day only access - $15 per vehicle per day
ALL vehicles (camping or day use) MUST check in at the main office or with the gate attendant before parking.
Lakeside camping is permitted all the way around the lake – however water access is allowed ONLY to the left or right of the flag dock in DESIGNATED BEACH AREAS… you will have to beach pit your skis in these areas if you want them in the water or on the beach. If you want them in your camp site, they will have to be trailered or carted out at the ramp similar to Minden or Marysville.
* No explosives allowed.
* Campfires are allowed only in designated areas.
* No glass containers are allowed.
*Pit vehicles are allowed only in the vicinity of the race site for launching, and personal transportation. This does not include joyriding. There is a mandatory speed limit of 10 mph. Pit vehicles are not allowed outside the designated area and are NOT to be on trails at anytime. Pit vehicles being used during hours of darkness will display proper lights or they will be parked. Pit Vehicles are to be operated by registered racers or crew only. Racers under 14 operating pit vehicles must be accompanied by an adult at all times.
* Dogs must be on a leash at all times. Sorry folks, but insurance requirements at this
venue strictly prohibit aggressive breed dogs, (specifically Pits and Chows), from
being on the property.
* No amplified noise is allowed before 8am, and after midnight. There are neighbors in
the distance on the east side of the property and an onsite caretaker – and we must
respect their privacy.
Course –
This course will be run in a clockwise direction.
Red buoys - right turns
Yellow buoys - left turns
Blue with a color – start of a split (blue goes into 2)
White with a color – end of a split (single line is again alright)
Black – penalty buoys
Please race smart, have a heart, and go around the buoys without hitting them!
Starts –
We are shooting for beach starts on the horn. I am taking steps to protect the lake’s membrane lining on the start beach and I am confident our efforts will be successful. If issues arise, alternative starts may have to be considered - but as of now we are looking at beach starts on the “Horn Blaster” horn.
Start Line picks will be determined by the order in which pre-registration entries are received.
Holders –
All holders must wear protective gear on the line to include a full face helmet, PFD, footwear, and eye protection. Gloves are highly recommended. If you question the need for this gear, hit me up and I’ll connect you with one of our racers who almost lost an eye to a rock shooting out of a pump at another organization’s race. Please help keep our safety record strong and remember the rules for alcohol consumption pertains to holders, just as it does the racers.
Penalty Buoys –
The penalty buoy is taken at race speed HOWEVER, while taking the penalty buoy you are no longer an active racer on the course. ALL racers taking the penalty buoy ARE REQUIRED to yield to any racer on the course approaching within 100 ft. No exceptions!
We have 3 simple rules here –
The mandatory 1 ski length safe zone in effect at all times
The 100 ft yield rule
And the mandatory slow down in yellow flag corners.
Similar to nascar rules - when approaching a yellow flag corner, all approaching racers will briefly raise their left hand and slow to half speed. All racers approaching a yellow flag corner will hold position behind any racer ahead of them, until they are clear of the corner with the caution situation. There is no scoring, passing, or racing in any yellow flag corner. This is a mandatory rule enforced with zero tolerance, and racers who disregard the safety of the Team Orange Course Marshals, or of a racer in the water, will be DQ’d from the heat.
If you are unclear as to the safety rules we run, they are all outlined at www.diablojsa.com Knowing them in advance will keep you from being dq’d in a heat, and in a point series that’s not what you want to have happen! Call or email me if you are unclear about the rules.
Junior Time Trials and course racing.
Ages are 7 to 17 years of age.
All junior racers must compete on 850 or under standup skis, Vintage X-2s 850cc or under, or 800cc or under Sport Runabouts.
All juniors must register on race day accompanied by their parents.
Entry fee for junior A’s is $40
Entry fees for Junior B’s is $30
All juniors must have proof of age documents and proof of medical coverage to be presented to race staff if requested.
Junior B’s run 2 time trials. Best time counts towards their series points.
Junior B’s run a GWC race for bonus points, dependent upon class size.
Junior A’s and R’s run 1 time trial which is scored as heat-1.
Junior A’s and R’s run 2 additional heats and series points are based on 3 heat scoring.
Please make sure you have -
* A minimum of 10" or larger race numbers are required on every ski. (larger is
* All numbers must be Easily Visible to scoring. (race numbers must be in contrast
to the color of the ski.)
* If a race number is duplicated - one racer will add an X or the initial of last name
* All Skis MUST HAVE a tow loop attached to the bow
* All skis must have a working safety lanyard
No numbers - no tow loop – no lanyard - no racing – no exceptions!
Please help us make the day go faster…
When you hear your heat race announced as being “on deck” for staging, that is the time to gear up, start your ski, and warm it up on the east side of the lake in the designated warm up area. When you are called to staging, you will go immediately to the beach to the left of the flag dock where John or Jim will line you up based on your pre-registration start pick order.
Warm Up Area
The designated warm up area will be at the east end of the course just to the left of the pit beach. Please be considerate of racers on the course and maintain NO WAKE SPEED along the pit beach until you clear the course boundary. Watch out for each other warming up. Our attention is focused on the course and not out in left field, so please KEEP AN EYE ON EACH OTHER WHEN WARMING UP. If someone needs team orange assistance away from the course, notify me, or one of the safety team riders.
In effect at all times -
* One Ski Length safe zone rule is in effect at all times – no exceptions
* 100 ft yield rule in effect at all times – no exceptions
* Penalty buoys will be in place - NO CIRCLEING BACK TO MAKE UP BUOYS!!
* Reckless or negligent racing are grounds for leaving early and/or suspension from
the series.
* Unsportsmanlike conduct of any kind, on or off the water, is an invite to leave
early and/or face suspension from the series, and that includes racers, crews,
family, friends, or staff members.
* No alcohol permitted until the END of the race day.
* All racers must be 18 years of age unless accepted into djsa internship program
* All racers must have proof of current medical insurance available.
* Please observe the NO WAKE zone when transiting from the launch ramp to the pit
* No fueling on the water without fuel pads or you will have to pull your ski from the
water. I will have fuel pads available at the riders meeting and on the flag dock. All
used pads MUST BE deposited in the metal can located at the equipment trailer.
* NO GLASS CONTAINERS are allowed at Eagal Lakes!!!
Eagal Lakes now has food and full bar lakeside for your enjoyment… they have anything you want and it’s reasonably priced. Due to liquor license restrictions, personal alcohol must remain in the racer’s pit area until after 10p. I know that might be a little restrictive for a few peeps, but we don’t pay the thousands of dollars it cost to have a liquor license, so I respectfully ask your cooperation in following the rules established by the venue we are visiting.
Hotel Rooms –
There are way too many hotels, motels, malls, outlet stores, and restaurants to list – so “google the area” and have at it! Tracy and Manteca are cool towns and I think you will enjoy your trip here. Pro Bass Shop fans can enjoy a quick visit to the Manteca store only minutes up the freeway, and speaking of fishing…
For those of our racers and crews who are avid fishermen and might have a little “down time” over the weekend, there is a huge catch and release lake exclusively for fishing on the south side of the property. No motorized vessels are allowed, but for tube fishing or from self-propelled boats – there are some monsters to be caught in that lake!! Call Eagal Lakes for the rules and regulations pertaining to fishing.
Double Points? Your call Outlaws -
Jet Effect has traditionally always included a double points race day. Saturday is a 3 heat format, and Sunday is a 2 heat format. If we are going to make one of these days double points, my vote is for Saturday when you guys are running the most heats and the most laps – but this is YOUR racing and I’ll leave this decision up to popular vote at the rider’s meeting.
The course diagram is attached. Please STUDY IT and become familiar with it before race day.
Donations will be accepted all weekend for the Sturgill family gofundme trust account. All proceeds from this race and our raffle will be applied to this account. To our sponsors and friends – gift donations to this race would be greatly appreciated for the special raffle drawing we intend to have for Jeremy’s family. Jeremy was self-employed, and it is my hope that we can give Marci and the boys back a little of that love that Lumpy so freely gave to others…
I look forward to seeing all you outlaws at the Eagal for not only another fun
“Jet Effect”, but also for a special tribute race held in the honor of a great friend who was truly one in a million…
Jeremy “Lumpy” Sturgill – “this Jet Effect’s for you”!!
Call if you have any questions. (925) 303-0713